Topics Archive

The Investment-tax Binary

The Cairn and Vodafone cases have opened a pandora’s box of tax-related investment disputes that lie at the intersection of international laws and municipal governance.

Language Is the Key

While determining the arbitrability of tax disputes under investment protection laws, the devil lies in the details of the treaty instrument.

A Balancing Act

It is critical to maintain an equilibrium between the regulatory powers of a sovereign and the legitimate interests of a foreign investor.

A Union in Crisis

SNP’s victory in the Scottish parliamentary elections appears to have reinvigorated sub-national movements across the UK.

A Crisis of Leadership

The violence in Palestine and Israel is an outcome of extremist nationalism, but more importantly, it highlights the inadequacy of political leadership at both ends.

Rebooting Strategic Ties

By recommencing trade and investment negotiations with Brussels, New Delhi hopes to counter Beijing’s role in the global value chain.

Murmurs of a Military Coup

Beset with Islamic and racial violence, the French Republic once again woke up to rumblings within the powerful military fraternity.

Digitising the Art Market

NFTs are the new buzzword in the world of art, where these digital artforms are setting a
new record of millions of dollars apiece every other day.

China's Digital Coffers

As China test-launches its sovereign digital currency, countries around the world are
scrambling to assess potential disruptions to the global financial system.

In the Big Leagues

As Coinbase joins the ranks of publicly listed companies, there has been much soul-searching
about investor appetite for cryptocurrencies.

The Curse of the Magic Metal

Cobalt has become a blight for the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo as its spiralling demand leads to a rush for its exploitation with little regulation and regard for their rights.

Standing Trial

As Sri Lanka looks to India for support at the crucial vote in the UNHRC, persisting tensions in bilateral ties will be a niggling factor.

Immigrants Biden-ing Time

President Biden’s humane immigration Bill may face roadblocks in garnering bipartisan support as a fresh wave of asylum seekers crowd its borders and a pandemic that refuses to die.

Getting the Online, in Line

In a market as large and diverse as India, it is important to tailor regulatory requirements with great care if fair, equitable, and responsible behaviour is to be ensured in the digital ecosystem.

Fighting Misinformation

The way forward is to have governments and institutions working together for a disinformation-free society

Independence Invigorated

The first-time majority of pro-independence parties in the recent elections, have given a fresh boost to Catalonia’s fight for sovereignty.

‘Boston Tea Party’ Online

The Milk Tea Alliance that has surged into an online transnational youth movement against authoritarian regimes in South-East Asia, must strategize and collaborate to be heard.

Digital Public Infrastructure

Technology has disrupted the traditional model of news production by empowering the audience to amplify it or create new content altogether.

Believing the Written Word

Though social media reach is tremendous in India, its platforms have not been used to spread misinformation or create agitations.

Shifting Gears in the Gig Economy

The historic ruling by the British Supreme Court, which affirms the employment rights of Uber drivers, can have a ripple effect in the international domain.