Topics Archive

Surviving Humanoids

The vast landscape of future human-machine interplay is limited only by the discrepancies in our knowledge of the human brain.

Factory Reset for Surveillance Tech

The NSO surveillance controversy not only indicates an erosion of basic privacy, but also a broader, more troubling trend of authoritarian cyber surveillance.

‘Fab Future’ for India

The semiconductor industry forms the foundation of technologies that drive economic growth, national security and critical infrastructure.

One Step at a Time

India can leverage its existing strengths in design to establish a fabless ecosystem.

Fostering a Value Chain

The Indian semiconductor ecosystem can be fortified by establishing multiple centres of excellence that focus on specific aspects of the supply chain.

Challenges for a Shifting Supply Chain

The Taiwanese semiconductor industry is gearing up to meet the challenges of disruption in the traditional supply chain through innovation and a multipronged approach

Get the Chip Rolling!

With demand far outstripping supply, the semiconductor industry is in flux, which holds great promise for an accelerated Indo-Taiwan collaboration in the field.

A Geostrategic Outlook

Supply chain resilience in the semiconductor industry is predicated on regional security within East Asia.

Moving Beyond Silicon

The compound semiconductor industry can act as the bedrock for an Indo-Taiwanese strategic partnership.

A Glimpse of the Future

Semiconductors are the key to an imminent Fourth Industrial Revolution, with 5G wireless and AI transforming the societal, economic and security verticals.

Removing Investment Barriers

In the highly complex and cost-intensive semiconductors industry, the key to success lies in a robust ecosystem and regulatory environment.

Deconstructing the Taiwanese Model

The semiconductor industry is predicated on a complete and closed ecosystem that balances markets, investments, infrastructure, and technology.

Future of Cloud: Risks, Security and Governance

It is imperative to view cloud security as an integrated whole by placing equal emphasis on its non-security aspects.

Leveraging the Cloud

As critical infrastructures undergo digital transformation, cloud services will play a vital role in their secure functionality.

The Concentration Conundrum

It is important to identify and address the systemic risks that arise from a concentration of cloud service providers.

An All-Pervasive Presence

By allocating shared responsibilities for risk mitigation, the cloud affords a better baseline for security.

An Evolving Global Fabric

Restricting the free flow of data, which is critical to the cloud’s functioning, is likely to create a more fragmented system.

Cloud Security - A Macro View

Acknowledging the cloud as ‘global commons’ is the prerequisite for launching a universally coordinated effort to bolster security.

India: Opportunities and Challenges

India has a huge potential in the cloud market, both as a consumer as well as a service provider and business innovator.

The Bitcoin Buzz

The increasing trend towards using cryptocurrencies as an investment and trading tool, set off by influencers, calls for sustainable regulations.