Topics Archive

Digital transformation of defence Part I

‘Digital Transformation of Defence’, refers to the assimilation of new technologies, for meeting future operational requirements of armed forces. Rapid improvements in information and communication…

'Pharma, The White Knight of the Pandemic'

COVID-19 has thrown up challenges and opportunities to pharmaceutical companies. Will they rise to the overriding need efficiently and humanely?

In House Ingenuity

By designing optimal systems and reconfiguring supply chains, Dynamatic Technologies has carved a niche for itself in the global aerospace industry.
Udayant Malhoutra, CEO and Managing Director of…

Fake rumours resulted in death

Rumours of child abductors were spread on a messaging application, WhatsApp in a small town in Mexico which resulted in the mob burning to death of two people before anyone could validate.

Deep fake and targeted communication

Cybersecurity companies and scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) are exploring ways to combat the threats posed by AI-enabled deep fake technology to the US election…

Building Economic Resilience with Insurance

“The government cannot overlook the role of insurance acting as a financial safety net against possible future risk exposures:” Tapan Singhel.

The Strategic - Military Addressal Of China

India needs to develop a stronger and cold-blooded ‘Strategic Response’ embellished in far greater discipline to counter a ‘Risen China’
Lieutenant General Raj Shukla, YSM, SM, GOC-in-C, Army…

After Snowden: How vulnerable is the internet?

The internet was designed to be free and open. Eight months after Edward Snowden's first leaks of classified information, is that still the case?

Warning against ‘Deepfake’ ahead of 2020 elections

Many lawmakers are increasingly circumspect of the threat of video manipulation, also known as ‘Deepfake’ ahead of the 2020 US presidential elections.

The Age of Abundance– Part II

In Part 1 of this two-part series, the author gave a glimpse of the future, the Age of Abundance, when technology had overcome the need for mankind to work. If robotics and Artificial Intelligence (…

Democracy champions in a post- COVID world

“Democracy, while not perfect is far more effective than autocracy in the long term, which only guarantees short-term solutions”: Kuni Miyake.