Topics Archive

Plan Rabbit for Venezuela

In order to address Venezuela’s crippling food shortage, the nation’s President Nicola Maduro has unveiled a plan to popularise rabbit as a source of food..

Japan -a target?

North Korea has fired a ballistic missile across Japan. This is the second time the nation has done so in September 2017. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said that Japan would..

Terror in London

There has been an explosion on a Tube train in London underground that resulted in the injuries of 18 people. Scotland Yard has confirmed that the incident is being treated as terrorism.

Temer charged, again

Prosecutors in Brazil have indicted the nation’s President, Michel Temer on charges of corruption and racketeering. This is the second time he has been charged in three months..

Volkswagen recalls 4.8 million cars

German car manufacturer, Volkswagen has initiated a recall of 4.86 million vehicles sold that had been sold in China. These were cars that were outfitted by faulty airbags..

Typhoon Talim to hit China

Close to half a million people in China was expected to be evacuated as the country braces itself for a “super typhoon.” In 2006 China was hit by the most powerful typhoon to strike..

Macron’s labor test

French President Emanuel Macron’s first big test as a leader will come as labor unions have called on protests in the region. The government has introduced a new policy that seeks to..

No election President

Halimah Yacob, the former Speaker of the Parliament in Singapore will be the nation’s first female President. However, critics have voiced opposition over the fact she has won the..

The biggest political mistake

Former White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, has criticized US President Donald Trump’s decision to fire the former FBI Director, James Comey. In an interview Bannon said that..

Who runs the world?

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has spoken against sexism in the world. During a recent event, she said that “men still run the world” and the current state of affairs aren’t doing “so well.”

Catalonia’s next move

Thousands are expected to take to the streets of Catalonia in favor of independence from Spain. Catalonia is one of the most industrialized regions in Spain. Barcelona is the region’s..

Goodbye to gas

China has announced that the country will be banning diesel and petrol cars in the near future. A specific timeframe has not been announced. The first practical production of an..

Togo blocks the internet

In the midst of anti-government protests in Togo, the authorities blocked internet access from the region for six days. Public have grown increasingly vocal against the Gnassingbé..

Trump Jr guilty?

The US President’s son, Donald Trump Jr testified in front of the Senate investigators regarding his meeting with a Russian lawyer in 2016. In June 2016, Trump Jr met with Russian..

Brazil’s political turmoil

Criminal charges have been filed again Dilma Rousseff and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, two former Presidents of Brazil for allegedly forming a criminal organization.

Irma hits the Caribbean

Irma, one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever be recorded, has resulted in the deaths of at least 10 people in the Caribbean. The Category 5 hurricane is now set to hit Florida..

Catalonia votes for independence

The regional parliament of Catalonia has approved an independence referendum on October 1st, 2017. The move has already been condemned by Madrid, which has vowed to..

Facebook uncovers Russia's misinformation

Social media giant Facebook has reportedly turned over information they have on ads allegedly purchased by Russian operatives to special counsel Robert Mueller..

Putin: A global catastrophe

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Tuesday of a global “catastrophe” unless a diplomatic solution is reached over North Korea, rejecting US calls for further..

Champion of Globalization

Chinese leader ends meeting of emerging nations with appeal to step up efforts to achieve a more open and fairer economic order. China called for more support for free trade..